Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Jungle LAST CHAPTER!! (:

      In this chapter I thought it was nice that Jurgis was trying to persuade Marja to not be a prostitute; this sad how she says no because she is addicted to morphine. I also think that it is sad that she plans to be a prstitute for the rest of her life! :(  I think that when Jurgis attends the meeting it is good that he tells the public the secrets of the meat packing industry, he also tells them what they are doing is wrong. Towards the end where it is talking about socialism, I think that it is great that a speaker says that "Chicago will be ours" because they are getting faith and they are believing in what they think they can achieve. Overall, I thought that this book was boring, gross and sad.  THE END

PS: I am so happy that this book is over, but it sucks we have another book to read over break.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Chapters 29-30

    These chapters were more hopeful and fulfilling than the other ones, and so I liked them. In these two chapters I felt that Jurgis is becoming a better person, this could be because he joined a political party that has his interests too. In chapter 29 I like how Jurgis goes and talks to the speakers; he wasn't afraid to go and talk to him. In chapter 30, I liked how Jurgis went and visited Teta Elzbieta. He tells her about socialism, and that he wants to get a job and help support the family. I think that this is nice because maybe if he gets enough money than Marja with be able to stop her prostitution and drug habits and then she has time to look for another job that is better. That makes me happy that he wants to support the family with his money and not go spend it all on alcohol. In this chapter it also made me happy because Jurgis found a job. He is a porter at a small hotel and makes thirty dollars a month plus board! He must be happy. I also like how he starts to like to read and learn about the political and economic systems of power in America. However, he does get frustrated when he tries to persuade people in to socialism and they refuse or ignore him. I enjoyed reading these chapters because it seems like Jurgis is finally changing and becoming a more involved and helpful person in America.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chapters 27-28

         I think that in chapter 27 it is sad that Jurgis gets a job, but then he gets fired because he is not strong enough for the work that needs to be done. I also think it is sad when he goes to visit Marja and the police keep running after him. Its sad when she tells him that neither of them could support the children with jobs. The part that grosses me out is that Stanisolvas died by getting attacked by rats. I think that Marja is bad because she went into prostitution to keep the rest of the family from starvation. In chapter 28 Jurgis has to listen to a speech but I don't really understand why. In the end of chapter 28 he found a political party to represent his interests rather than those of the privileged, powerful, and wealthy. It made me feel happy when he found people who have the same interests.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter 26

     Chapter 26 (:
     Overall, I think that this chapter is okay. I think that it is good that Jurgis is going on a strike; he wants three dollars daily for working and he receives it.  I think that it is good that Jurgis gets offered a job as a boss on the killing beds, so he then will get more money. The thing that is bad about this chapter is that Jurgis sees Connor in public and he attacks him again. This was stupid on his part because he has to go back to jail and pay out his bail. When he is finished paying his bail all he has left is four dollars. So he travels to the other side of Chicago. I think that in this chapter Jurgis is just getting in more trouble than he was. I hope he stops getting in so much trouble.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Jungle chapters 23-25

I thought chapter 23 was happy but sad. In chapter 23 Jurgis found a new job digging underground tunnels. The sad part was he thought that he was going to have his job all winter but he had an accident and spent Christmas in the Hospital. I thought that was sad that he had to spend Christmas in the hospital. In chapter 24 I think it is sad that he is with other homeless people trying to stay warm in the winter. I think he should go and try to find Teta and ask to live with her and her family. I thought it was nice how Freddie gave him food and money. In chapter 25 I think that Jurgis should have told the bartender that he didn't give him the right amount of money instead of attacking him. Then he goes to jail and then he goes and starts getting in trouble and mugging. I thought that was a bad part on him because he is going to keep getting in trouble and drunk and losing his life. I think that Jurgis should stop his drinking habits because everytime he gets money he goes and spends it on drinks. I thought that these chapters were mostly about Jurgis getting in more trouble in life.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chapters 20-23

These chapters were kind of happy at first and then they turned bad. In chapter 20 it is good that Jurgis got another job. It was good at first and then he found out that his job is closing down. So he ends up loosing his job. In chapter 21 it is talking about Jurgis getting another job but it is to far away from his home, so he only goes home sometimes. When he does go home he finds something very depressing and sad. Jurgis finds out Antanas died. :( It’s sad that he has more family dying after some family already died.  This part was really sad because Jurgis just had his wife and second kid die not to long ago. In chapter 22 I think that it is sad because Jurgis just leaves. He goes on a train hiding there and he goes to the country. I think that this is sad because he left everyone else he was with to leave to the country. He then meets a farmer who sells him dinner, lets him sleep there, and offers Jurgis a job. I think that it is disappointing that he works for two weeks and gets a lot of money, and then he goes and spends it all in one night. I think that he should of traveled back to his family and helped pay for stuff for them.