Friday, December 10, 2010

Chapters 29-30

    These chapters were more hopeful and fulfilling than the other ones, and so I liked them. In these two chapters I felt that Jurgis is becoming a better person, this could be because he joined a political party that has his interests too. In chapter 29 I like how Jurgis goes and talks to the speakers; he wasn't afraid to go and talk to him. In chapter 30, I liked how Jurgis went and visited Teta Elzbieta. He tells her about socialism, and that he wants to get a job and help support the family. I think that this is nice because maybe if he gets enough money than Marja with be able to stop her prostitution and drug habits and then she has time to look for another job that is better. That makes me happy that he wants to support the family with his money and not go spend it all on alcohol. In this chapter it also made me happy because Jurgis found a job. He is a porter at a small hotel and makes thirty dollars a month plus board! He must be happy. I also like how he starts to like to read and learn about the political and economic systems of power in America. However, he does get frustrated when he tries to persuade people in to socialism and they refuse or ignore him. I enjoyed reading these chapters because it seems like Jurgis is finally changing and becoming a more involved and helpful person in America.

Sentence, Sentence
Opener, Sentence
Sentence; Sentence


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    great job.

    xoxo - claire:)

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