Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Jungle chapters 23-25

I thought chapter 23 was happy but sad. In chapter 23 Jurgis found a new job digging underground tunnels. The sad part was he thought that he was going to have his job all winter but he had an accident and spent Christmas in the Hospital. I thought that was sad that he had to spend Christmas in the hospital. In chapter 24 I think it is sad that he is with other homeless people trying to stay warm in the winter. I think he should go and try to find Teta and ask to live with her and her family. I thought it was nice how Freddie gave him food and money. In chapter 25 I think that Jurgis should have told the bartender that he didn't give him the right amount of money instead of attacking him. Then he goes to jail and then he goes and starts getting in trouble and mugging. I thought that was a bad part on him because he is going to keep getting in trouble and drunk and losing his life. I think that Jurgis should stop his drinking habits because everytime he gets money he goes and spends it on drinks. I thought that these chapters were mostly about Jurgis getting in more trouble in life.


  1. Destiny,

    It was sad to see him spend christmas in a hospital and the homeless people trying to stay warm was a sad part. This is a good blog I reccomend that you just add more to it and make it great.

  2. destiney... i think you did a good job at stating what youliked and didnt like. i also liked how you just didnt say like a short summary of what you read!

  3. Destiny,
    I enjoy reading your blog because you put in so much of your opinion. It is so frusterating to me that every time Jurgis receives money he spends it on alcohal. I also am sad aswell because he has turned in to a criminal, but I guess if we were in his position, we would realize that it is survival of the fittest and you do what you have to do.

  4. Desiny,
    I too agree with you that twenty3 was a sad but happy chapter. I love Chrostmas and when I read that he had to spend it in the hospital it made me sad. I was happy when he got a job, up until he got hurt. ha Its dumb that he goes to jail, but I mean thats life. I agree with mostly everything you said.

    Breanna Jo Lozoya.

  5. I think you did a good job of showing how you felt about the reading and i agreed with you for the most part but i also agree with eric and suggest you do add a little bit more to your writing

  6. I agree with you that these chapters were mostly about how he was getting in trouble in life. I liked your responce good job!

  7. Destiny,
    I agree that it is sad when Jurgis has to stay warm in the winter with other homeless people. I think that you did a great job responding to the novel but I think you could make it even better by adding more detail about how you felt to make your response longer.
