Monday, October 11, 2010

Reaction to chapters 8, 9, and part of 10

These were very sad and happy chapters to read...

Chapter 8
     This chapter wasn't so sad as the other ones were. Reading chapter eight was sad how he had to move and he was missing the Baltimore boys that he shared and traded bread for lessons. I thought the saddest part was when Fredrick's grandma had served to the master faithfully and yet he took her to the woods, built her a little hut, and was saying it was her privilege that she supports herself there in her own loneliness. This is sad because she soon dies there and there was no one to help her or be there for her death.

Chapter 9
     This chapter was also sad. It was sad and made me want to cry when he was talking about the lady (Henny), getting beat. Henny had fell into a fire when she was younger and she was burned very badly. Her hands were so burnt that she barley got to use them. The master beat Henny until she bled and sometimes he would tie her up all day and leave her there to whip her later. :( This was really sad. This chapter was also sad when Fredrick was watching his masters horse and he would let it run away to his master's father-in-law's house and his father-in-law would feed the slaves.

Part 1 chapter 10
     This chapter was the saddest of them all so far but it was also happy. It was sad when Fredrick had to go out and work all day and when he got weak he would sit and fall. This was sad because if Mr. Covey saw him he would kick him. One last time Fredrick had sat back down Mr. Covey got a hickory slab and hit him upside the head with it. Fredrick was bleeding really bad so he was tired and walked 7 miles to his masters house. He arrived later that day and the master let  him spend the night and he left early in the morning. When he got back Fredrick's friend Sandy and him had talked and Sandy said to carry a root with him so that he wouldn't get beat. This worked for the first couple of days but on one day it didn't. Fredrick and Mr. Covey ended up getting in a fight and Fredrick won!!This was the happy part. Mr. Covey lost and was bleeding but Fredrick wasn't. This made me happy. Fredrick was standing up for himself!! :) After  that, the last six months that Fredrick spent with Mr. Covey, he had never laid a finger upon Fredrick with anger anymore!! :)This was my favorite part of the chapter. Fredrick won!!!


  1. I liked how you seperated the chapters out and integraded your reactions into your response.:P

  2. as im reading your writing i realize your an aewsome writer. i really like how you put some emotion in your writeing and made me really truely think(:

  3. destiny, i really like how you state that most of the chapters mae you sad and that the main reason for that was that mr. covey was the one who made all the fear and sadness. i also like how you separated the chapters.

  4. i liked how your emotions changed throughout the story. i also liked that you had detail in your response. Good Job

  5. I agree that the grandma part was really sad. I think that Douglass did allow the horses to run away so he could be feed but again, it is very sad about the way Henny was treated. I agree that is the best part of our reading when Douglass was standing up for himself.

  6. dude, I agree with you all of these chapters were way sad:( chapter eight was very sad because i agree when she died alone i thought it was awful.


  7. Destiny,
    You obviously read the text, however I would have liked to see more analysis. You continued to say that these chapters were immensely sad. You should expand more on why they were sad. Was it sad that the slave owner kicked the slave, or does it go further into the fact that slaves were not seen as humans?
    Ms. Ladtkow
